
Charles Hamilton Has Haters or Are The Being Real?

A Cool Kid sent me this link of a blog that's totally dissing Charles Hamilton. I was confused reading all this hatred because Hamilton is a cool rapper like no other his swagger is found within his voice with the hardest freestyle you could possibly get.( lets not forget Drake).

check the link below and tell me if you think its just hating or being real about Mr Hamilton music.


We all know Charles Hamilton ain't in good terms with Souja Boy but don't mean the public has to get involve you see we all know who is a better rapper, C'mon i don't need to do the research is in your face but apart from that Charles Hamilton is soon to blow watch it happen, give it time!

Charles Hamilton Has started alot of confretation by sharing his personal opinion about soulja boys music but apart from that his a cool kat. But his dress sense is wack !!! He Aint got Style like Pharell but he has lines to fill my hole blogg.
Other Than that i'm personally starting to love the guy and his music because he rooooocks!!!


Thrillz said...

Budget Video how can he chat to a guy with p

Maiden Funka said...

real talk but his better dan him dohh give him time to get connections an dhe will blowww hsi got Kanye and game right noww dey might nicee him wid a deal