
When I'm I Gonna Start Writing Agen!?!

I am having slight problems with my music ever since i started preforming and decide to keep the recording on hold i grew a problem blank.com syndrome.
Basically call me whatever but i seem to have forgotten how to write music, well not really but every time i would try think of a topic to write about apart from the usual "Making it in Music industry" i would go blank. I Slighly find that scary. I Might have to call the GP!!

With out my mind and my hands, I Can forget the music!!!. in this case it seems to me that some one stole my brain because my hands are with me now as i'm typing!! LOL

This syndrome has caused me not to upload new tunes on my myspace crazy ain't it !!



what ever this is its temporarly i know for fact!!! :(. i promise to all my blogg readers am going to make it!!! make flipping history well come close to it! Lol

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