
SomeThing In That Grass I Dont Like!

I started off being in a grass that smelled so fresh and looked so green,
but all of a sudden things started to change you see the grass became smelly, changed from being ever so green to dirty brown and creatures like little insects and snakes found them self settling down in this grass. My environment!

How Can i Be in an environment that the air is polluted with hate.
How Can i be in the mist of snakes, people betraying me
How can i speak to liar's that will just poison my mind and leave me to believe in something that is far from the truth.

They Say the only person to trust is yourself .But the thing is "YOURSELF" is in an environment where you can easily be influenced.
like a baby picking up words from its surroundings a person will pick up habits from its enemy because face it we are surrounded by many who will do things an enemy would do.


1 comment:

Nike Forrest said...

soo true man...we are a product of our environment